Friday, April 26, 2013

Career Project

To locate information about a food related career, use this website:

You can type in the Search box the name of the Food Related Career you are researching.

Remember, one side of the Investigate a Career handout is required to be completed, the 2nd side is optional for extra credit.

Use the information for the Investigate a Career handout to complete the Career Pamphlet.

The six sections of your pamphlet should include:
1. Front cover - including your name, career name and a picture.
2. Inside section - Career Description - include "Nature of Work" and "Employment" info.
3. Salary Range - info from"Earnings" question on Investigate a Career.
4. Education/Training - include info from "Training" and "Job Outlook".
5. Skills you have that would make you successful in this career
6. Why you chose this career

This Career Pamphlet is due: Thursday, May 2nd for periods 1,2 & 3 and Friday, May 3rd for period 4.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Folder Check #3 Due!!!

Folder Check #3 is due:
Friday, April 19th for periods 1,2 and 3 and Monday, April 22nd for 4th period.

These are the items included in this folder check:

Warmups                                                        14 points
Formal Place Setting                                      10
Food and Cultural Presentation Notes           20
My Pyramid Notes                                         25
Pyramid Crossword                                       20
Table Manners Pretest                                   10
Chapter 24 Meal Management                      10
Ratatouille Movie Notes                               10
Culinary Characters                                      10
Understanding the Recipe                             10
Practice Reading Recipes                             10

Papers in order                                                6
Total Points Possible                                     155

Also - Please keep in mind our Cookbook fundraiser continues for one more week. Each book is $10. If you would like to check out more books, see Mrs. Moore. Our goal is for each Culinary Arts student to sell 2 books! Thanks for supporting Rio Norte Culinary Arts classes!! The sale ends April 26th.

Finally, Home Cooking Assignment #4 is due April 26th for periods 1,2 & 3 and April 29 for period 4.