Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Knifty Knitters

If you are interested in learning how to knit using the Knifty Knitter round looms, I am considering starting a club that will meet at lunch once a week, or maybe every other week, starting in the Spring semester. We will start out making hats, which use the Green Knifty Knitter loom. I know Joann's fabrics sells the set of 4 looms for $22.99 and they are on sale now for 25% off. I have found the Green only, Knifty Knitter loom on Amazon.com for around $9. It looks like this: If you are interested, fill out the form below and click on submit.

It has come to an end :-(

This semester has gone by so fast. I hope you have enjoyed what you have learned and hope you keep on cooking long after this class.

Below is a survey that I would appreciate if you completed - it's completely anonymous, but it does help me plan for future classes.

Happy Holidays!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Important Due Dates

Here are some important dates to keep in mind the next couple of weeks:

Career Pamphlet Due Date: 12/4 for A day and 12/5 for B day (check out http://www.bls.gov/oco) for research info if still needed. See Forms on the left for the Investigate a Career worksheet, and the Career Project Instructions.

Recipe Check: 12/6 for A Day and 12/7 for B day

Home Cooking Assignment #5 (2 recipes in the same meal): 12/12 for A day and 12/13 for B day

Folder Check #4  - 12/12 for A day, and 12/13 for B day

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New pictures posted today!!

Click on the Pictures page on the left to see pictures from our Enchilada lab and our Thanksgiving lab!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Advanced Foods Interest List for Spring

If you would like to try and get into Advanced Foods next semester, complete the form by clicking on the following link: 


Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall's fantastic food, folds, and folder (checks)

Today, students will learn some basic napkin folds. They are so much fun, and they can practice at home! Many of the napkin fold instructions came from the following websites: http://www.napkinfolding.net/  and http://www.napkinfoldingguide.com/

With a little practice, students should be able to add a little pizazz to your dinner table!

This is a busy, wonderful time coming up. 

Monday, November 12th is a Holiday - Veteran's Day- yes, no school, but a time we should honor those who have served our country! Thank you Veterans and those currently in the Military for all you do to keep us safe!

Students have HCA#4 and Folder Checks due next week! Periods 1,2 & 3 are due on Friday, November 16th and Period 4 is due on Thursday, November 15th! 

3rd Quarter Progress Report period ends on Friday, November 16th!

There will be lots of cooking going on too. Wed and Thurs. I will be demonstrating Pumpkin Pie and students will make Hot Cocoa. Friday and the following Monday (the 19th) students will be celebrating Thanksgiving by making "Everything, but the Turkey". And then Tuesday, students make Pumpkin Pie, and get to eat it on Wed. (the 21st) Rio's Turkey Bowl Day! Then we are off for Thanksgiving holidays - more food, family and football!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Home Cooking Assignment #3 Due

Just a reminder that Home Cooking Assignment #3 is due Monday, October 29th for periods 1,2,&3 and Tuesday, October 30th for periods 4 & 6. Remember the recipe needs to have at least 3 ingredients that need to be measured and if it is not a recipe we have made in class or from my website, then please include a copy of the recipe with your HCA#3 form.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Folder Check #2, HCA #2, and Recipe Check coming soon!

Folder Check is Wednesday, Oct. 3rd for A day classes and Thursday, October 4th for B day classes.

Here is a list of what should be included in the Folder Check:

Warmups (9)                       18 points
Culinary Characters             5
How to Measure Inged.      10
Measuring Practice              5
What do you use to Meas   10
What's on a food label        20
What's included on a f-l     10
All About Eggs                  25
Buying Eggs                      10
Using & Cooking Eggs     10
Principles of Baking         30
Prac. Reading Recipes      10
Understanding the Rec.     10
Equip. ID. Matching         10 ********** Period 4 only
Eggs Word Search            10***********Period 4 only

Papers in order                  7

Total Points                    180 - Periods 1,2,3
                                       200- Period 4

Home Cooking Assignment #2 Due - Oct 3rd - A Day, Oct. 4th - B Day

I will be doing a recipe check in class on Oct. 3rd, and Oct. 4th

Students need to have copies of all recipes!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Coffee Cake
Pasta Salad

Thursday, September 6, 2012

We are cooking now!

We finally made it to our first cooking lab - chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies, and we didn't set off any fire alarms! Overall, the students did pretty well, and we are just beginning... next week pancakes and coffee cakes!

Just a couple of reminders: Home Cooking Assignment #1 - is due September 17th for A day classes and September 18th for B day classes. Remember, students may cook any recipe as long as it has 3 ingredients that need to be measured. You may use any of the recipes found on this website, or any recipe from home or  other websites. Please attach a copy of the recipe if you are cooking something not from this website.

If any students/parents are still considering donating funds to our Exploring Culinary classes, students can bring in checks made out to Rio Norte ASB or cash. Any donation is very much appreciated!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Folder Check #1 Due soon!!

Your first Folder Check is coming up.

For A day classes - Friday, August 31st
B day classes - Tuesday, Sept. 4th

Here is a list of the items on Folder Check #1  - Period 3 the starred items are excused.

1. Warmups (5)                                        10 points
2. How Safe a Chef Are You?                  10
3. Kitchen Chaos                                      20
4. 7 Safety Errors                                      10
5. Kitchen Safety                                       5
6. STRS                                                     25
7. Food Safety & Sanitation                      15
8. Equipment I.D.                                      25
9. Scrambled Equipment                           10 ***
10. Kitchen Equipment ID - Matching       8 ***
11. Abbreviations & Equivalents               10
12. Kitchen Exploration                             10
13. Measure Man & Equal Measures         15
14. Reading Recipes                                   10 ***
15. Hidden Measurements                          +5 Extra Credit

Papers in order                                            7
Total Points Possible                                  190  (162 for 3rd period)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome back to school and the start of Rio Norte's 10th year! 
I am so happy that you are in my class!  We will be doing lots of cooking, but before we get started with that, we will be learning about kitchen and food safety, abbreviations and equivalents, measuring and kitchen equipment! And all students must pass a SAFETY TEST with an 85% or better in order to cook. So study all of your handouts over the next week so you are prepared to take the Safety Test.

Safety Test for A day classes is scheduled for Friday, August 24th and B day classes takes it on the 27th.

What are you most interested in learning about in this class (be more specific than " I just want to learn to cook". What would you like to cook in here?

Good luck!  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Reminders

It's hard to believe it's May already. One more month to go and this school year will be done!  Here are some important dates to keep in mind this last month of school for my class:

Pampered Chef Orders are due tomorrow, May 2nd. If you'd still like to order and you don't have a catalog, you can order online and Rio Norte will get the credit for the purchase! Go to: http://www.pamperedchef.biz/stacykupfer. Thanks for the support for this fundraiser. It allows my class to order new kitchen tools, utensils and equipment!

The Electives Department is collecting CD's and DVD's that you are no longer listening to or watching. They need to be original discs (not burned or downloaded at home) and they must have their original cases and artwork. Earn a raffle ticket for each CD/DVD turned in for a chance to win an Amazon Kindle. These need to be turned in by Friday, May 4th.

We have been studying Food Related Careers the last few classes and your Career Pamphlets are due on Thursday, May 3rd for A day classes, and Friday, May 4th for B day classes.

Home Cooking Assignment #5 (the last one this semester) has been assigned and is due: Wednesday, May 16th for B day classes, and Thursday, May 17th for A day classes. HCA #5 needs to include two recipes as part of the same meal. Each recipe needs to have 3 ingredients that need to be measured and include a copy of the recipes if they are not from this class.

Folder Check #4 (the last one this semester) is also due on Wednesday, May 16th for B day classes, and Thursday for A day classes. Updates on what needs to be included will be coming soon.

Recipe Check #2 (last one this semester) will be on Wednesday, May 23rd for A day classes, and Thursday May 24, for B day classes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Food and Culture Project

If you have lost or can't find your packet - Here is the link to print another one!!

Food and Culture Project Packet

Remember, Periods 1-4 Presentations on Thursday, 3-15 and periods 5 & 6 presentations on Friday, 3-16.

Required: Questionnaire packet completed, Poster or Powerpoint, Booklet containing 3 recipes and Bibliography.  EXTRA CREDIT: Prepare a recipe from your country to share with the class.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3 Assignments due next class period.

Folder Check #2
Recipe Check #1
Home Cooking Assignment #2

Period 1 Folder Check List click HERE.
Period 2 Folder Check List click HERE.
Period 4 Folder Check List click HERE.
Period 5 & 6 Folder Check List click HERE.

For Recipe Check #1 You need copies of the following recipes: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Pancakes, Rice Krispie Treat and Toffee Dip, Omelets and Pretzels.

Monday, February 13, 2012

What's on a Food Label Answer Key

For those of you on the field trip or absent - here are the answers for your handout, "What's on a Food Label."

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Home Cooking Assignment #1

A day classes - due Tuesday, February 14th
B day classes - due Wednesday, February 15th

Remember, you can make anything you'd like as long as it has 3 ingredients you can measure. Attach a copy of the recipe to the HCA form, if it is not a recipe from our class or this website. Have fun!

Happy Cooking!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Are you a good guesser?

Food Network Magazine is hosting a contest. You have to guess how many chocolate chips are in the jar. The Jar is 6.75" high and 4.75" across. The winner of the contest gets CHOCOLATE FOR A YEAR!! Now the problem for students is that you have to be over 18 years old to enter. With your parents help, you may enter your guess directly on the Food Network website. Or you can help me with my guess.

Leave a comment below with your first name and last initial and period number, and your guess of how many chocolate chips are in the jar. I will select one and use it as my entry into the contest. If your entry wins, we will split the winnings!! I select one from all student's comments made by Friday, February 24th, 5:00pm.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We started cooking today!!! Check out the Pictures Page to see Cookie Lab Pics!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Folder Check #1 Due Next Class Period

Due: Feb 2 for A day classes
         Feb 3 for B day classes

Here is what your completed Folder Check List Form should look like:

1. Warm-ups                                                8 points
2. How Safe a Chef Are You?                   25
3. Kitchen Chaos                                       25
4. 7 Safety Errors                                      10
5. Kitchen Safety Handout                        10
6. STRS Safety Test Review Sheet           40
7. Food Safety and Sanitation                   20
8. What's the Word puzzle                        10
9. Reading Recipes                                   10
10. Equipment ID with pictures               40
11.Kitchen Equip ID matching and
     Unscramble                                         30
12. Abbreviations & Equivalents             15
13. Measure Man & Equal Measures       15
14. Kitchen Exploration                           20
15. How to Measure Ingredients              10
16. What do you use to measure              10
17. Hidden Measures word search           10

Papers in order                                           2
Total Points Possible                              310

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Food Blog Quiz!

It is important that you check this blog every couple of days. I will post reminders about upcoming assignments, their due dates and what is included in the assignment, so keep checking this site.

To get you going... by reading some of my older posts in this blog, you should be able to answer these 3 following questions. Comment on this post with your answers, and include your first name, last initial and period number. The first 3 students in each class period, with all 3 correct answers will get a little surprise. You must post by Wednesday, February 1st, 5:00pm to be included. The questions are...

1. Which is my favorite season of the year?

2. What is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?

3. What is one of my favorite fast food restaurants?

Good luck!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Safety Tests are done!!

And EVERYONE passed!!! Next up... abbreviations, equivalents, and measuring - then actual cooking!!
Hang in there! We are almost there!

Folder Checks next week:
A day - February 2nd
B day - February 3rd

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome to Beginning Foods Qtr. 3

Welcome back to school and I am so happy that you are in my class!  We will be doing lots of cooking, but before we get started with that, we will be learning about kitchen and food safety, abbreviations and equivalents, measuring and kitchen equipment! And all students must pass a SAFETY TEST with an 85% or better in order to cook. So study all of your handouts over the next week so you are prepared to take the Safety Test.

Safety Test for A day classes is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25th and B day classes takes it on the 26th.

Good luck!